
Keith and I are picking up to move to Pécs, Hungary for one year. He has never been to Europe and the furthest east I've been is Switzerland.... Our Hungarian language skills are...well, we know some phrases. Come follow us on our adventure!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Revolutionary Day, Magyarorsag

March 15th is one of Hungary's most important holidays.  It commemorates the mass demonstrations in Pest and Buda which enabled the Hungarian reformists to push the their list of 12 demands on March 15, 1848.  The Hungarians successfully dethroned the House of the Habsburgs.

The Habsburg Rulers  manipulated the Croatian, Serbian and Romanian peasants, led by priests and officers firmly loyal to the Habsburgs, and induced them to rebel against the Hungarian government. The Hungarians were supported by the vast majority of the Slovak, German and Rusyn nationalities and by all the Jews of the kingdom, as well as by a large number of Polish, Austrian and Italian volunteers.

In July 1849 the Hungarian Parliament proclaimed and enacted the first laws of ethnic and minority rights in the world.

I'm going to end the story here...just for now...because it gets a little bleak to say the least.

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