I'm ever so slightly behind on my blog posts...for this, I do apologize. The European Union finally received the translated version of the Media Law last Thursday, I've been working a lot...and several other excuses.
The weather here has been surprisingly nice--sunnier than during autumn and usually in the 40s F. I am ridiculously jealous of the incredible amounts of snow New England has...but at least it's no longer raining here. Apparently, this is a very mild winter for Pés...especially in comparison to last winter. At the beginning of January, we some really dense fogs and colder weather, which left the trees looking incredibly beautiful. Since then, it has felt like and looked like March--wet and coldish.
Bush behind my apartment building |
Tree in Széchenyi Tér, Pécs |
Tree in front of Spar, Csontvary Utca | | | | | | | |
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